What We Offer ?

Our Services

TV UI and system development

We can customize and develop UI interfaces or systems for your hardware products according to your needs.

App distribution and promotion

Through our apps store and cooperative hardware manufacturers, you can effectively distribute your app to all parts of the world. We also use a more fair algorithm to make excellent apps get more promotion

App Feedback Collection & Analysis

TVFAN has an active community, developers can easily collect user feedback and combine our data analysis system to improve the competitiveness of the app.

App Marketing & Consulting

We have more than 10 years of professional experience in the field of smart TV, we can help you optimize and improve your products, so as to increase the market share of your products.

App Sales & Subscriptions

We have a safe and convenient payment system, whether you buy or subscribe to the app through our app store, or hand over your app to us for sale, you will have a pleasant experience.

Sales of hardware equipment

All the TV hardware and peripheral products we sell have been strictly tested by ourselves, so you can buy with confidence.At the same time, we welcome powerful hardware manufacturers to cooperate with us.

Available for individual developers

Do you have TV app developed by yourself?
Let's talk.

Start working with TVFAN that can provide everything you need to generate awareness, drive traffic, connect.